Monday, August 22, 2011

Lessons in the every day

I was just thinking today about how lucky my little man is.  He has some pretty amazing people that surround him and, even more specifically, some pretty awesome men.  Men who are role models for my little boy, all in different ways.

The other day we went bumper bowling, and my sister and brother in law joined us.  For those of you who don't know, Logan's uncle Ken is blind, or as Logan says, has "lost his eyes". So when I told him that uncle Kenny was going, he was very concerned.  "How will uncle Kenny bowl with no eyes?" he asked me very seriously.  I assured him that not being able to see has never stopped his Uncle.  But Logan just looked at me like I was crazy, gave me an eye roll teenagers would be jealous of, and apparently decided to wait and see for himself.  

Well, low and behold, on the first turn uncle Ken took....he walked up to the line and nonchalantly proceeded to bowl a strike!!  Logan just watched his uncle, wide eyed and shocked, and then a big smile appeared as he realized that a "little" thing like being blind didn't stop Ken from doing amazing things.  I just sat there thinking to myself about what an awesome lesson my son was getting to learn in that moment. That he can do whatever he wants in life, no matter what the obstacles. We went on to have a total blast, and every time Ken got up for his turn, Logan would watch him with a little knowing smile on his face. 

Logan adores his uncle Kenny. He always has. But now, even at 4 1/2, my son admires his uncle. See, what I realized tonight is that my son is learning more from the imperfection of life than he ever could from a "perfect" role model.  And I really like that.

The men in Logan's life:


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